Welcome to the website of “FysioBoisot”. As a private clinic for physiotherapy, we offer you the following services/ specialisations:
- Physiotherapy
- Manual Therapy
- Orofacial Therapy
- Pediatric Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy for the Pelvic region
- Physiotherapy with complaints of Incontinence
- Oedema Therapy
Here you will find all the necessary information you need to contact our clinic.
- By phone for our clinic in Leiden: 071-5125765
- By phone for our clinic in Sassenheim: 0252-255588
- By mail: praktijk@fysioboisot.nl
All therapists are capable of speaking English.
Nieuw bij onze praktijk?
Wat kunnen wij allemaal?
Waar kunt u terecht?
Vragen of afspraak maken?